1 . DepEd Order (DO) No. 28, s. 2G l6 titled Policy and Guidelines on Oplan Kalusugan sa Department
of Education {OK sa DepEd} provides for the conduct of One Health Week every school year to showcase DepEd school health and nutrition
programs and services. Specifically, the celebration aims to highlight activities and services under the following flagship program s:
Feeding Program (SBFP);
b. National Drug
Education Program (NDEP);
Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) Program;
Sanitation, arid
Hygiene (\VASH) in Schools (WinS) Program;
Medical, Dental, arid Nursing Services, including the School Dental Health Care Program (SDHCPJ ; and
School Mental Health Program.
Pursuant to DO 29, s. 202
titled ischool
Calendar and Activities
for School Year 2021-2022, the
202 1 One Health Week will be held from September h to 1 1, 2021 to support
the preparations for the opening of classes
on September 13, 2021 . The theme for the celebration is Bnyonihnn paro sa Kalusugan: OK sa DepEd, sn Paaralan, at :sa
There will be two sets of activities
during the One
Health Week:
a. The Bureau of Learner Support
Services-School Health Division
(BLSS-SHD) will spearhead national activities to provide
key updates and launch
key initiative:s
nder cach
UK sa DepEd Rogzhip prcgi , especially
given the en ent situation of tl-.e basic education sector.
Regional offices (ROs) and schools division offices (SDOs) nationwide, through their respective School
Health and Nutrition
(SHN) Units/
enjoined to host their own wee klong activities promoting their respective health and nutrition initiatives *or the schools and the learners in their
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1G00
•- 8633-7208 / 8G?›2 - 72 2B / 8€a3 2- 1 3 fi I 8636-4876 / 8637 -6 209
^ w .rleped
respective schools divisions, and
how such initiatives
ensure the health, safety, and well-being of the learners amid the pandemic.
Each day
of the
One Health Week
will showcase
a set of activities that focus on a specific OK sa DepEd flagship program.
a. Overview of the eetlvttles for the Ono Hoelth Week {Enclosure No. 1), including both the scheduled activities organized by BLSS-SHD,
as well as
the specific
suggested activities
for the ROs
and SDOs to be held during recommended time
slots throughout
the week.
b. All DepEd personnel, learners, partners, and other stakeholders are invited to vtrtuelly pertloipnte In
the national eetivltloe that will be streamed via the official
social media pages of the Central Office and cross-posted in the social media pages of the ROs. SDOs and schools are enjoined to share the livestream of the said activities in their respective social
media pages
as scheduled.
c. Details of the
suggested activities for the
ROs and the
SDOs per flagship program have been provided through separate
issuances from the Office of the Undersecretary for Administration (OUA). Suggested activities may be modified depending on the respective contexts of the ROs or the SDOs. They are encouraged to livestream their activities in their
respective social media pagee.
Resources that may be
used for the celebration, including soft copies
of virtual and print collaterals, may be accessed at https: // bit.1y/2021okdonehealthweek.
The ROs, SDOs, and
schools are
encouraged to
continue organizing
follow-through activities
related to those
introduced during the One Health Week, as well as other OK sa DepEd activities throughout the rest of the school year.
6. Required health standards, based on the latest updates of the Department of Health and relevant authorities, shall be observed at all times. Refer to the DepEd Task Force COVID-19 (DTFC) Memorandum No. 464 tiHed Reiteration of Corresponding Work-Relnted Guidelines per Community Quarantine
Funding for the RO
and SDO-led
activities during the
One Health Week are
chargeable to the
funds downloaded to the
ROs and the SDOs, with guidelines stipulated in OUA
Memorandum No. 00-0821-0190. The ROs and SDOs are enjoined to augment for any other needs that may not be sufficiently
covered by the downloaded funds.
As a core strategy of OK sa DepEd, forming of partnerships to support the conduct of the activities is highly encouraged.
ROs, SDOs, and schools
shall ensure the documentation
of the activities, following the reporting requirements stipulated in
DO 28, s. 2018.
Regional Directors and Schools Division Superintendents are enjoined to monitor the activities.
For more information, please contact the Bureau of I earner Support 8erv1ces-
School Health Division, 3rd Floor, Mabini Building, Department of Education Central
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