DO No. 023, s. 2021


AMENDMENT TO DEPED ORDER NO. 008, S. 2021 (Revised Signing Authorities for Administrative and Financial Matters in the Department of Education


Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents All Others Concerned 

1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Amendment to DepEd 

der (DO) No. 008, s. 2021 titled Revised Signing Authorities for Administrative and Financial Matters in the Department of Education particularly on the delegated signing authorities of certain procurement-related documents. This is in view of the continuing efforts to streamline processes and procedures covering financial and procurement transactions


Section V (B)(2) of DO 008, s. 2021 is amended as follows

2. For projects awarded through public bidding, the Officials, as designated below, are hereby given full authority to approve and issue the Resolution to Award (RTA) and the Notice of Award (NOA) on behalf of the Secretary, as Head of the Procuring Entity (HOPE)

Central Office 

Amount Involved 

Not over P1 Million 

Over P1 Million-P5 Million 

Approving (i.e. RTA) and 

Issuing (i.e. NOA) Official Director or higher official concerned Teachers Camp Superintendent for BTC Director for BLR-Cebu Assistant Secretary or higher official concerned Undersecretary concerned. However, if the procurement of the project subject of the RTA and the NOA had been undertaken by the Bids and Awards Committee of which the Undersecretary concerned is the Chairperson or a member, the same shall be approved and issued by the Secretary or by any Undersecretary as may be subsequently authorized by her

Over P5 Million 

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