DepEd ORDER No. 026, s. 2021
21 JUN 2021
DepEd ORDER No. 026, s. 2021
(Research Management Guidelines)
Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Elementary, and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned
The Department of Education (DepEd) issued the Amendment to DepEd Order No. 016, s. 2017 titled Research Management Guidelines (RMG) in support to the policy development process and research agenda, and to provide guidance in managing research initiatives in the national, regional, schools division, and school levels. Ensuing from policy monitoring as well as the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, certain provisions of the RMG shall be amended in order to support DepEd researchers in conducting research to further improve learning delivery and governance from SY 2020-2021 onwards.
2. In view of the current situation, the following provisions are hereby added under the Items on section V.B, to read as follows:
a. Virtual conduct of research-related activities and initiatives -
Research-related activities and initiatives such as call for proposals, committee evaluation, progress monitoring, dissemination and utilization, and other support activities may be conducted virtually and/or remotely. Face-to-face activities shall only be allowed in consideration of the risk severity of the area with strict observance of the minimum health standards. In addition, online submission of requirements shall be allowed. For those who have no internet access, proponents may use courier services to submit the required documents. The cost for the service delivery fee may be charged to the approved budget of research proposals.
b. Online/remote data gathering methods - As part of the initial
screening, proposals with online/remote data gathering shall be prioritized. For proposals with face-to-face data collection, the concerned Research Committee shall ensure its appropriateness with the research questions and design. Face-to-face data
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600 5
collection shall only be implemented if it is relevant to the research design in consideration of the risk severity of the area, and implemented upon strict observance of minimum health standards.
3. To provide clear guidelines on the release and liquidation of funds, Items under V.C is hereby clarified and/or amended, to read as follows:
c. Allocation - From FY 2020 onwards, seventy-five (75%) percent
of the allocation under shall be exclusively used to fund research proposals from the region, schools, division, and schools. The remaining twenty-five percent (25%) may be used as additional fund for research proposals and other research-related activities.
d. Eligible and Non-Eligible Activities and Expenditures -
Communication expenses shall refer to the cost of using communication technologies such as mobile phone and internet which is incurred by the grantee in the implementation of its research. It includes postpaid plan, prepaid load, electronic reloading, internet subscription fee, and other emerging method/technology.
Item VI.A is hereby amended as follows:
VI. Special Provisions
a. Execution of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) - In
compliance with Section 4 of Executive Order 810 s. 2009, Regional Offices (ROS) providing electronic services to its clients may use digital signatures in their MOAs to ensure confidentiality, authenticity and integrity, and non-repudiation of electronic transactions. Likewise, offices shall avail of and recognize the use of the Philippine National Public Key Infrastructure (PNPKI) or other means of digitally signing official documents being offered by private entities provided that it is compliant with the requirements of Republic Act 8792, Executive Order 810, s. 2019, and policies of relevant government agencies, including the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT), on the use of electronic or digital signatures.
On the other hand, ROs without established mechanisms for digital signatures shall allow the initial submission of scanned copies of the MOA and the subsequent submission of the original document to the RO. Expenses for courier services shall be eligible under the BERF grant.
This policy shall be effective starting SY 2020-2021 onwards. All other provisions stated in DO 16 s. 2017 shall remain enforced unless repealed and amended by other DepEd Issuances.
6. This DepEd Order shall take effect immediately upon its issuance. Its certified copies shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register
University of the Philippines (UP) Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City.
7. For more information, please contact the Planning Service-Policy Research and Development Division (PS-PRD), 2nd Floor Alonzo Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or at telephone nos. (02) 8635-3976.
Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
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