The demand for teaching and learning has changed for the School Year 2022-2023 as a result of the impact of COVID-19. Education institutions, including the Department of Education (DepEd), shifted focus to delivering education remotely through various distance learning delivery modalities (DLDMs). The current efforts of the Department, its schools and workforce, are towards developing learning resources and upskilling and retooling teachers to support the DLDMs adopted by schools. As the learning delivery changes, so do the duties of teachers to their learners and the performance expected of them. The expectations of teachers must be captured in their performance assessment through a more contextualized Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS).

The modifications in RPMS, its tools, processes, and protocols, for SY 2022-2023 captures the DepEd current system that governs teachers’ functions. The selected RPMS objectives aim to assist teachers to adapt and/or respond more quickly and effectively to emerging circumstances associated with the challenges brought by the pandemic. (Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development)

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We would love to help you stock your teaching aids with these materials. We understand that teaching is not an easy feat so as much as possible we like to ease your loads by providing materials which are helpful to our class home.

We wish you a productive visit to our site. We aim to be helpful to our present undertaking in this trying time. Together, we could get through this.

Download for FREE this RPMS Covers  New Designs Editable ppt Doc for your future use in the classroom. Kindly click the DOWNLOAD  button below  to get your  copy.

IMPORTANT: Please Log In to your GMAIL or DEPED account to download these Files.

DISCLAIMER: Official source downloaded at DepEd Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development.

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