DO NO. 50 S. 2022
Public elementary and secondary schools that are unable to comply with the mandated five days of in-person classes due to exceptional circumstance(s) are required to submit their request for continuation or adoption of the blended learning modality beyond November 2,2022. Nonetheless, schools can continue to implement t1e blended learning modality during the pendency of the request. Full distance learning for a period of time due to emergencies, calamities, and disasters shall be considered blended learning for the purposes of this DO.
The approving authority for the implementation of blended learning modality in select public elementary and secondary schools beyond November 2, 2O22, shall be t}re schools division superintendent {SDS), whose decision shall be subject to review by t}re regional director (RD).
However, some public elementary and secondar5r schools may be temporarily unable to comply with the requirement of five days of in-person classes due to circumstances beyond their control, such as, but not limited to:
a- Delays in the repair or construction of school facilities due to calamities (e.g., typhoon, earthquakes, floods, fires, landslides, etc.) that affect t]le overall absorptive capacity of the school;
b. Immediate need for relocation of t]:e school due to a determination and certification by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources or any other appropriate government agency that such school site is unsafe for occupancy and use by the learners;
C. Shortage of basic education inputs and resources (e.g., teachers, classrooms, furniture, etc.) that cannot be addressed by existing measures of the Department;
d. Existence of unfavorable peace and order situation in the area where the school is located; and
e Use of the classroom as a temporary evacuation center.
official source: DEPED
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