1.The pilot implementation of the limited face to face classes for basic education commenced on November 15, 2O2l and various dates thereafter. These schools underwent rigorous preparations in accordance with the standards set forth in the Department of Education (DepEd) and Department of Health (DOH) Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 1, s. 2027 or the Operatlonal @lJ,dellnes on the Implementation oJ Ltmtted Face to Face l*aralag Mddllty. The assessment of the pilot implementation will provide insights and experience on implementing face-to-face classes while adhering to the minimum health and safety protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
2. Parallel to this, DepEd issued DepEd Memorandum No. O7 1, s. 202 I titled, Preparations for the Pllot Fece to Face, hpansloa, and Traasltlonlag to the New Ilormal, which instructed schools to conduct self-assessment using the School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) to assess their readiness for face-to-face classes and to identiff areas of support for the expansion of the implementation of face-to-face classes and towards the transition to the new normal.
3. As part of the furtler preparations for the implementation of the expanded phase offace-to-face classes targeted to commence in early 2022, all public and private schools natlonwlde shell start preparatlons for face-to-face classes. Specifically, the schools shall
a. prep€re all ttre requirements for the safe implementation of limited face to face classes in line with the standards set in DepEd-DOH JMC No. 1, s. 2027;
b. set up the physical structures, WASH facilities and supplies, personal protective equipment (PPEs), health and safety protocols, learning materials, class programs, and human resource requirements as required in the JMC;
c. conduct coordination meetings at the local level with concemed government agencies, partners and community members to discuss their respective participation in the limited face to face classes;
d. secure free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) with necessary documentation for schools h IP comtrunltles
e. involve the community in the school reopening process and ensure local coordination mechanisms with Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) and Local Government Units (LGUs) for referral system, contact tracing, school traJfic management, disinfection, contingency school lockdown, among others;
f. coordinate with LGUs to fast-track vaccination of teachers, school personnel, and eligible learners and their household members;
g. strengthen advocacy and campaign progr€rms for vaccination of teachers, and eligible learners;
h. adjust class programs according to their Altemative Work Arrangements (AWA) and conduct al orientation of teaching personnel on possible changes in their AWA;
i. set up mechanisms to respond to mental health concerns of learners and teachers;
j. plan for the orientation of learners, parents, guardians, teaching and nonteaching personnel, external stakeholders and LGU of the eligibitity for participation, existing protocols, mechanisms, and procedures needed in conducting face to face classes. Orientation shall take place at least two weeks prior to the conduct of face to face classes to a.llow parents/guardians help children to mentally and emotionally adapt arrd cope with the transition. During the orientation, the school shall observe the health and safety protocols; and
k. simulate the implementation protocols among school personnel to identiff possible implementation issues and discuss possible scenarios during the actual conduct of face-to-face classes.
4. For private schools that intend to implement lirnited face-to-face classes, school administrators are requested to submit the following documents to the Oflice of the Regional Director:
a. Letter of Intent addressed to the Regional Director stating the objectives, expected outcomes, and commitment to observe the minimum health and safety protocols as stipulated in DepEd-DOH JMC No.1, s.2O2l;
b. Implementation plan, including the timelines following the four components of the operational framework, namely: (i) Safe Operations, (ii) Teaching and Learning, (iii) Including the Most Marginalized, and (iv) Well-being and Protection;
c. Contingency plan showing action points to address contingencies that might occur during implementation; and
d. Accomplished SSAT showing compliance to all elements of the tool.
5. To support the preparations of the schools, the Regional Offices (ROs) and Schools Division Offices (SDOs) shall
a. provide technical assistance to schools based on the gaps and challenges identifred in the SSAT results of the schools;
b. prepare an implementation plal for the conduct of timited face to face classes in their respective regions and schools divisions;
c. mobilize resources to meet the health and safety standards and protocols;
d. orient school heads, LGUs, and key oflicials on the standards of the implementation of face-to-face classes (for SDOs only);
e. include the Hea]th and Nutrition coordinator and IP Education coordinator in the composite team to provide technical assistance to schools on health and nutrition, and IP Education concerns, respectively;
f. coordinate with LGUs to fast-track vaccination of teachers, school personnel, and eligible learners;
g. strengthen advocacy and campaign programs for vaccination of teachers, and eligible learners;
h. conduct training and technical assistance to ensure that protocols and standards are met prior to the opening of schools for face-to-face classes; and
1. ensure that schools are linked to appropriate government agencies for the establishment of their respective referral system.
6. The expanded phase shall already cover all grade levels from K to 12.
7. For clarifications and inquiries, please contact the Face-to-Face Secretariat at the DepEd Central Office with email address: ps.od@deped.gov.ph.
8. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
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