DepEd ORDER No.19 s. 2O2I



To: Undersecretaries 

Assistant Secretaries 

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM 

Bureau and Service Directors 

Regional Directors 

School Division Superintendents 

Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads 

All Others Concemed 

l.TheDepartmentofEducation(DepEd)issuestheenclosedRevlsed DePartmetrtofEducatioa(DepEd}People'sFreedomoflnformatio!(FoIl uelugraldlmplemeattngDctatls,whichshallbeknownasDepEdPeople,sFol 

Manual of 2020.-Thi" i" pur-suant to Executive order No. 2 dated July 23, 2O16 titled Opuoti"".U"ing in thi Erecutive Braach th€ PeoPle's Cott.titutioaal Right to Iniormotioa "oi th" State Policies of Full Public Dlaclosure aad Ttanspareacy 

h the Public Servlce and Providing Guideliues' 

2. The enclosed DepEd Order (DO) revokes DO O72, s' 2016 titled DepDd People'a Freedom of laformatioa Manual aad Implementiug DeteilE' 

3. The People,s FoI Manua] is desigrred to establish standard procedures and provide guidance to the central, regionh, schools division offices ald schools in !it."ai.ri to and fulfrlling the requests for information of any Filipino citizen. The "*f..-i"t, in monitoriig and evaluation mechanisms. This enables easier 

identificaiion of areas of improvement and guarantees that any future intervention to further improve the worlcliows of the implementation of FOI can be systematically integrated. 

4. The revisions in the 2020 version ofthe Malual are based on the outcomes of theFoIworkshopsheldinBatangasin2018,andinSEAMEo.Innotechin2ol9' which sought to siandardize the FOI workllows in the various levels in governance of the DepEd] as well as harmonize the provisions of the Manual with Republic Act (RA) 11032 titled Eaae of Doiag Buslnees act and RA 10173 titled Data Prlvacy Act' and other variou$ imProvements ' 

5. All DepEd issuances, rules and regulations, and provisions, which are inconsistent .,ith th""" gridelines are repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.

6. For more information, please contact the Office of thc Sccretarlr, Rizal Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, though email at or telephone number no. 8687-4177. 

7. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. 


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