DepEd ORDER No. 017, s.2O2l
(Amendment to DepEd Order no.017 S. 2020)
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issued DepEd Order (DO) No. O13, s. 2020 titled Readiness Assessment Checklist for Leaning Delivery Modalities in the Learning Continuing Plan of Private Schools, to ensure that private schools undertake adequate preparations for School Year (SY) 2O2O-2O27. The Readiness Assessment Checklist for Implementing Learning Modalities specifies the minimum requirements and standards needed for each learning modality.
2. Cognizant of the challenges that private schools are confronted with as articulated by different private school associations, additional provisions were issued to clarify specific portions of DO No. 013, s. 2O2O through DO No. 017, s. 2020 titled Additional Provisions to DepEd Order No. 013, s. 2020.
3. Per Item 1(a) of DO Ol7 , s. 2O2O, compliance of private schools with the minimum requirements stipulated in DO 013, s. 2020 is extended to December 29, 2020. Also provided in Item 1(b) of the same DO is the provision that private schools are required to submit documentary/ requirements in the checklist at the time of filing their application to be eligible for the issuance of a Provisional Compliance Certificate (PCC) to offer alternative learning modalities. However, the Department continues to receive reports from schools division offices (SDOs) that private schools are experiencing challenges in securing and submitting the documentar5r requirements in the Readiness Assessment Checklist.
4. In view of this, DepEd amends the provision in DO O17, s' 2O2O on the deadline for submission of the minimum documentar5r requirements from December 29, 2O2O to June 15,2027.
5. SDOs, through their respective School Governance Operations Divisions (SGODs), shall provide technical assistance to the private schools with government recognition/ permit operating in their schools divisions, but without PCC, in comp\ring with the documentar5r requirements listed in the Readiness Assessment Checklist.
6. The regional offices (ROs), through their respective Quality Assurance Divisions (QADs), may validate the compliance to the checklist via an online platform, in consideration of the COVID- 19 situation and the safety of the validating team.
7 . This Order shall take effect retroactively on January l, 2O2l.
8. All other provisions of DO 013, s. 2O2O and DO Ol7, s. 2O2O, which are inconsistent with this Order are repealed, rescinded or modified accordingly. g. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this order is directed.
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