To: Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues this DepEd Memorandum titled
Designation of School Information Coordinators (SICs). An SIC shall be designated
in every public elementary, secondary, and senior high school nationwide as
counterparts of the Division and Regional Information Officers.
2. The Department fully recognizes the importance of SICs in ensuring that
communications convergence are coordinated and strengthened from the schools to the
national level.
3. The designated SICs shall be tasked to:
a. Assist and act as focal persons in verifying and addressing issues
and concerns raised by the public and the media involving their
school or area;
b. Facilitate the conduct of verification of information based on
protocols, data privacy, integrity and confidentiality;
c. Facilitate the communication of any untoward incidents in their
respective areas, and submit a detailed report within 24 hours to
DepEd Central Office (CO) Public Affairs Service (PAS) copy
furnished their respective regional and schools division offices;
d. Provide updates to the schools division, region or CO that may be
referred to in media releases to national media;
e. Support their respective schools, schools division, and regional
offices in responding to media queries on local issues;
f. Coordinate with the schools division, regional or CO to request for
official statements on existing issues;
g. Perform duties and responsibilities related to DepEd Public Affairs
programs, projects, and activities; and
h. Perform other tasks related to the efficient communication,
documentation and dissemination of information to DepEd CO and
vice versa.
4. The designated SICs should be:
a. Holding a teaching or non-teaching position in the school;
b. At least two or three years employed in DepEd;
c. Able to communicate and write well, and have good public relations
skills; and
d. Able to respond to issues and concerns requested by the schools
division, regional, Of the Central Office.
5. The designation of a teacher to perform as School Information Coordinator
shall be recommended by the school head to the Schools Division Superintendent
(SDS) for approval.
6. The SDS, through the Division Information Officer, is requested to submit the
enclosed form with the name of the designated School Information Coordinator to the
Regional Information Officer, copy furnished the DepEd Public Affairs Service through
email at not later than May 15, 2O21.
7 .Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
Thanks a lot.More power